About Me?


Hi Strangers !
it's me, the owner.
if you're reading this, then, well, curious of me? 
wow you got lot of time to spare.
then i'll start straight away.

this is all about me.
Soraya Faizah

My parent named me "Soraya Faizah", 3 syllabel name is pretty mouthful to say, so you can call me "aya" for short. When i was in primary school, my nickname wasnt cool AT ALL. at first they called me "aya" but some boys teased me with "ayam" which means chicken. i was mad at first but somehow it made other people remember me easily. well then, at least it has it own surplus. In middle high school,at first, my nickname is still "aya". but there is a girl named "athaya" so we shared nickname. but athaya is dominant so she got the nickname, so i went with "soraya".  THEN people start calling me "oma" because my gangs think im the most mature in the group. i didnt like it at first but it, then i realized that i was a  "mom" to them. in the end, was really touched, i really appreciate the nickname. Then, in High school, i got my original nickname back.

thats about my name, but, really, you can call me anything as long as it wont offend me.

i was born in batam on the 4th april 2002. im the only member in my family who wasnt born in solo. so all i heard is my dad was working there, originally, my dad can go alone but my mom wanted to go along, and she was pregnant. then, boom ! i was born. but ironically, i havent go to batam again since then. that sucks. i heard batam is beauitiful with its own kind. and their things are really, really, cheap. VERY cheap. i think batam located near singapore, which is the international trade route. So thats why, i think?

my blood type A, im 163 cm tall (tall enough hmm), my weight isnt persistent at all. it depends on my activity. when its a weekday, i eat a lot and thats reasonable because i need energy to do things. but when its holiday, i rarely eat since there is nothing to do. my favorite holiday is ramadan. we have to do fasting without any activity. 

My dream isnt clear yet but i want to stay in my safe zone, science. not really save but it has wide range and at least i will study one of them. actually my fave is art and history, idk about it

my top priority is to make my parents happy. thats all.

i got lot things to say but times up lol i might add them another time

have a good goody day!


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